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On this page you will find our latest projects and research publications. We are dedicated to providing you with the most up-to-date information about our work.


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Shaping the Future of the Czech Refugee Law and Policy: UNHCR support for students of migration and refugee law

The project seeks to strengthen teaching of refugee law at the Faculty of Law of Charles University and to create audio-visual educational series. The Faculty's Centre for Migration and Refugee Law (CeMiReLa) has created a unique set of courses that teach refugee law using different methods. The courses form together one of the specialisation programs for MA students, Migration Law Program. The aim of the project is to rethink, innovate and redefine the whole program and its courses to respond to current challenges. As part of the project, CeMiReLa experts are also creating videos that will serve as educational materials and also as information resources for the general public.

Donor: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees



Beyond Security: the Role of Conflict in Resilience-Building (CoRe)

Members of CeMiReLa are involved in one of the nine research aims of the Faculty of Arts project Beyond Security: the Role of Conflict in Resilience-Building (CoRe). Years 2023-2028. The project is funded by the call for cutting-edge research in the Operational Programme Jan Amos Komenský. Its aim is to find a strategy to strengthen mechanisms and processes that promote resilience of society to conflict and crisis phenomena. It responds to the war situation in Ukraine, the current climate, energy and migration crises.


Reg. no. of the project: CZ.02.01.01/00/22_008/0004595
Name of the project: Beyond Security: Role of Conflict in Resilience-Building

Drawing on Glass Window

Temporary Protection in 2022: Repatriation as a Durable Solution for Ukrainian Citizens?

In the project, the principal researceh Enes Zaimović addresses issues related to the duration of (temporary) protection and the legal implications related to its termination. Member States have granted temporary protection status to an unprecedented number of persons on their territories. The researcher asks whether the underlying aim and purpose of temporary protection, i.e. the (also involuntary) return of Ukrainian refugees, can stand up in the light of current EU and human rights law.

Donor: Charles University Grant Agency


Detention of Children on the Move: Empirical Legal Research

Our project, led by principal researcher Tomáš Svoboda, is focused on examining the reflection of international human rights law standards in national case law. Specifically, we are exploring whether national judgments rely more on the standards established by the European Court of Human Rights or the United Nations treaty bodies. We will keep you updated on our progress and findings.

Court Room

Donor: Charles University Grant Agency


Shelter law-making. Legal response to massive migration caused by Russian aggression against Ukraine

The main goal is to analyse the legal instruments adopted by public authorities in response to the unprecedented mass influx of people into the V4 countries due to the Russian aggression against Ukraine, compare the solutions, distinguish those that were the most effective and prepare recommendations for states on how to deal with such unexpected challenges in future.

The project is implemented by the Institute of Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Dr.Hab.Iur. A. Mężykowska (project coordinator, Dr. Hab. Iur. Prof. A. Młynarska-Sobaczewska and P. Polak, MA) together with the Faculty of Law of Charles University, Czechia (JUDr. V. Honusková, Ph.D.), the Centre for Social Sciences, Institute for Legal Studies, Hungary (dr. R. Friedery, PhD, LLM.) and the Faculty of Law of Trnava University, Slovakia (JUDr. M. Mittelmannová and prof. D. Lantajova).

Donor: Visegrad Fund



Zaimović, E., The EU and the Mass Influx from Ukraine: Is There a Future for Temporary Protection? (2023) 19 CYELP 133.


Honusková, V. European Response to the Mass Influx of People Caused by the Russian Invasion of Ukraine: Testing the Limits of International Refugee Law, In International and Comparative Law Review: special issue International Law and the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. Volume 23 (2023), p. 53-71.


Honusková, V., Zaimović, E. Temporary protection as a bridge between Ukraine and Czechia: An unexpected choice of where to stay and how. In J. Handrlica, V. Sharp, L. Serhiichuk (eds). Ukrainian Law and the Law of the Czech Republic: An (Un)Expected Encounter, Bucharest-ParisCalgary: Ad Juris Publishing, 2023 (conference proceedings).


Grimes, R., Honusková, V., Stege, U. Teaching Migration and Asylum Law. Routledge, 2022.


Flídrová E.: Ochrana práv dětí v kontextu dočasnosti mezinárodní ochrany. In: Šturma, P., Lipovský M., a kol. Ochrana žen a dětí v mezinárodním právu, Praha: Univerzita Karlova, Právnická fakulta, 2020.


Honusková, V. The Czech Republic and solidarity with refugees: there were times when solidarity mattered. In: Czech Yearbook of Public and Private International Law, vol. 9, 2018, pp. 241-254.

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